Mission, Philosophy, Goals and History
Massachusetts Youth Lacrosse (MYL)
Mission, Philosophy, Season Goals and Our History
As Massachusetts Youth Lacrosse (MYL) continues to celebrate and support Community-based Youth Lacrosse programs, while also looking for ways to improve our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization for future seasons; we’d like to reinforce our mission, philosophy, and season goals; as well as share some history and reasons why MYL continues to grow and thrive today.
Mission: Our mission is to teach, grow, and honor the game of lacrosse in your community and in every town/city across Massachusetts by providing leadership, guidance, training, and structure to all our community member programs participating in MYL’s spring game schedule and our annual Mass Youth Lax Jamboree held in June at the end of our season.
Philosophy: Our philosophy in MYL's Classic league is all players participate equally (i.e. equal playing time) in all Classic games, on evenly balanced teams (based on player’s grade, age, skill & experience), playing a local game schedule: Level 78 (7th & 8th graders), 56 (5th & 6th graders), 34 (3rd & 4th graders) & 12 (1st & 2nd graders). There are NO ‘A’ or ‘B’ or ‘stacked’ teams, nor standings or playoffs, at any level in our Classic league & our traditional Sunday scheduled games.
Our MYL Select league is an additional & complementary community-based playing opportunity (and NOT a replacement for) a player’s participation in the MYL Classic league play. MYL Select players must also participate on their MYL Classic team (Why? See Goals below). MYL Select league has Division standings, playoffs, Championships, & single-Grade All-Star games.
Our coaches are certified and trained to be teachers of the game and role models focused on character development, team camaraderie and players learning the fundamentals—especially the ‘fun’ part. MYL is an inclusive organization open to all MA communities where, collectively, we strive to provide a safe, enjoyable, learning experience for all participants in an environment NOT swept up in the pressure filled, win-at-all-cost mania still too common in youth sports today.
Goals: Our primary goal is for all players, coaches, parents, officials & program leaders to have a fun, rewarding experience while always demonstrating sportsmanship on & off the field as together we learn, share & teach the fundamental skills and teamwork required to play the game well. Our common objective is for more boys & girls to enjoy youth lacrosse at all levels.
MYL provides training, certification & grade + age-specific rules of play for all our member programs, coaches, players & officials with a particular focus on player safety, sportsmanship & fair play for a positive, fun experience for all participants.
Honor the Game: We honor the game by practicing positive coaching, teaching life lessons beyond the playing field and by developing a strong community among all players, coaches, parents, officials, program leaders & fans that will last a lifetime.
As MYL member programs, we continue to improve our lacrosse knowledge and program capabilities each season as together we learn, share & teach the game based on speed, stick skills, athleticism & teamwork—NOT physical intimidation.
Your League: Mass Youth Lax (MYL) represents 150+ towns/cities split in to six geographic regions—for better communications—in eastern & central Massachusetts, with over 15,000 players in 1st to 8th grades on 1,500+ teams, led by 2,500+ active MYL certified coaches this spring. Below are some of the services and value the organization provides its members along with a few key highlights about what Mass Youth Lax, your league, represents today:
ü MYL is one of the largest youth lacrosse leagues & organizations in the United States w/ over 50,000 players, parents & coaches.
ü MYL Jamboree held each June is the largest youth lacrosse event in the USA w/ over 600 teams & 15,000 players, coaches & fans.
ü MYL Jamboree event sponsors & partners contribute over a third of our total event operating budget—keeping member fees low.
ü MYL funds & organizes coaching education, certification, clinics & online training for all our coaches & town leaders each spring.
ü MYL funds & organizes our Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) partnership for workshops & online Coach, Parent, Player courses.
ü MYL mandates all our coaches be MYL-certified at least every 2 years thru MYL & partner-led & integrated coaching clinics.
ü MYL funds & organizes the (8) Sunday, mid-week & (7) MYL Select game schedule w/ over 5,000 games played each season.
ü MYL funds & coordinates with EMLOA/EMWLUA to contract for ref Assignors to schedule game officials for all MYL league contests.
ü MYL funds & contracts with EMLOA/EMWLUA to train, certify or re-certify all MYL AO’s & Junior Officials each spring.
ü MYL funds & organizes the Regional Referee Coordinators & our AO support resources in each of our six geographic regions.
ü MYL is led by an all-volunteer board of directors who—like our town program leaders & coaches—are passionate about the game.
Thank you for your participation and efforts in making Massachusetts Youth Lacrosse a continued success …